French Press + Hourglass = Awesome Coffee
the 4 minute ruleNot quite sure how long to leave the coffee in the press?
Our survey shows only 1 in 6 coffee enthusiast know about this magic number. Both, under brewing and over brewing can yield bad tasting coffee.
Integrated Hourglass
We engineered a rotatable hourglass set precisely for 4 minutes, right into the handle, so you never have to drink a dull cup of coffee again.
But Why Use A French Press?
The paper filters in regular coffee makers, filter out all kinds of flavor holding oils that add richness to your coffee. In a french press, the grounds steep instead of filter, resulting in a more flavor rich coffee.
How to brew a perfect cup?
1. Add coffee grounds
2. Pour Hot but not boiling water
3. Rotate the hourglass
4. Wait 4 minutes and Plunge
4. Serve and Enjoy
Minimal Design
The beautifully minimalist, Scandinavian inspired StramperPress is a classic french press brewer thoughtfully redesigned for the modern day coffee drinker.
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